About us

Hi! Welcome to PassedThis.com!

I started this website to provide an easy way to independently collect CPA exam score results. The origins of the site start with a google doc that was compiled and published in 2014 by Nathan P. which tracked Becker vs. Actual CPA results. Since then Nathan has moved on and I took over and maintained the sheet until the current incarnation of the site you’re visiting today.

Tens of thousands of individuals have referenced the data to get a gauge of where they stand in their test preparation (including myself – finally a CPA). I only ask that if you find this resource helpful, you remember to contribute your scores and help the many future test takers to follow.

If you have any questions I can be reached via email: mpcovcd at gmail.com

I am not associated with any of the test preparation companies referenced on this site (Becker, Ninja, Roger, Wiley, etc). All scores are collected anonymously. Data is cleaned (removed of outliers & suspicious results) before being presented. If you would like to reference all raw data submitted please send me an email.